March 28, 2022 Press Release
City of Lindsay Awarded $4.6 Million for Olive Bowl Renovation/Kaku Park Expansion
The City of Lindsay is pleased to announce that the Olive Bowl Renovation/Kaku Park Expansion project has been selected as a recipient of $4,650,920 in funding through the Caltrans Clean California Local Grants Program. City staff worked diligently to submit a competitive application with over 300 applicants statewide and is proud to be one of the 105 projects ultimately selected for award.
The proposed Olive Bowl Renovation/Kaku Park Expansion project includes the following:
- One new baseball field
- Two new softball fields
- Children’s playground with shade structures
- Walking trails
- Picnic arbors
- Skate park
- Exercise circuit training
- New restrooms
- Shade trees
- Concessions and storage building
- New lighting, landscaping and irrigation system
Next steps include a forthcoming Restricted Grant Agreement (RGA) to be submitted to the City Council for approval and final designs of plans for the project.
The City’s success in securing funding through the Caltrans Clean California Local Grants Program as well as the previously awarded State Parks Grant in the amount of $3,670,435 brings the new project budget to an approximate total of $8.3 million, effectively doubling the project budget from its initial levels.
Project construction is slated to begin Spring of 2023, with an expected completion date in Spring of 2024.
Curtis Cannon
Planning Manager
Department of City Services & Planning
(559) 562-7102 Ext. 8041